Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Growing Brains . . .

My first thoughts are of the amazing possibilities. There are many degenerative brain diseases, not to mention brain damage, that I would think that those affected by such things would greatly benefit from having that option available to them.

After that I start thinking about what that means. I know that in Chinese medicine we know that the brain is not the location of the mind. I can't help but associate the mind with the brain. Because of that, I wonder if there is any mind that comes with these manufactured brain bits. If not, does the fact that it is not your brain alter you, the mind that is you? I think therefore I am? I don't really get how that works. Do we rewrite the program, like a blank disk?

And that leads me to start wondering if that would change who we are innately. Part and pieces. Bits that can easily be assembled and replaced. Do our spirits live in our flesh? Are our bodies irrelevant to what makes us unique and aware? I guess there's only one way to know for sure . . .

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