Friday, June 8, 2007

A mole?

The mole is the amount of substance of a system which contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilograms of carbon 12.

Hmmmmmmmmm I read the article, I think. Then I read it again. It seems that they spent a lot of time trying to spell it out, but I must not know that alphabet because it didn't make a lot of sense to me. Darn it all . . . that's what happens when I miss out on class discussion. All these concepts and new terms don't make sense unless I can hear it, hear it in a different way, and then hear it again.


Emmendo said...

Very very cute picture. My niece found some baby moles in the yard. And one point, decided they needed a new home. So she brought them into the house and cared for them for several weeks. She's little miss Dolittle. Not sure what happened to them though. Im sure there ok.

symbolic said...

is that a mole? ooops, i got it wrong. zoology? i thought it was chemistry. nice eyes -- reminds me of an old girlfriend.

cliff said...

I need to hear it, hear it in a different way, and then hear it again for EVERYTHING (not just chemistry)!

Lisa, Student of TCM said...

chris - as long as it doesn't remind you of your wife's eyes!